Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Ramadan :) (tips)

Ramadan is knocking at our doors it is the month of spiritual journey a month of patience which nourishes and heal our soul it leaves the teaching for the rest of the year.

It is a gift from Allah subhana wa talla for Muslims it is a feeling of inner peace which could be felt all around the world so i just want to say kul ‘am wa antum bikhair and happy Ramadan

I just want to leave you with some Ramadan tips and a video about welcoming Ramadan by sheikh Mishary Al Afasy

Ten Productive tips for Ramdan:

1. Have sincere intentions, work hard and make lots of dua for an ultimate productive Ramadan!

2. Plan Your day each day of Ramadan, the night before. Choose 3 important tasks you want to achieve the next day and record it in your diary or our ultimate taskinator!

3. Never EVER miss Suhoor, wake up at least 1 hour before Fajr and have a filling balanced meal.

4. Start working on your most important tasks right after Fajr and get at least 1 or 2 done.

5. Try to get an afternoon nap, not more than 20 minutes either just before Dhuhur or after Dhuhur.

6. Plan your Ramadan days (and life!) around Salah times, not the other way round!

7. BLOCK at least one-hour for reciting Quran each day.

8. Break Your Fast with Dates and Milk or Dates and Water, go pray Maghreb, then come back for a light meal.

9. Give lots of ‘Physical Sadaqah’; get involved in organising community iftars, charity drives, helping orphans..etc, earn rewards working for others.

10. Don’t miss an opportunity for Dawah! When someone asks you why you’re not eating, give them a beautiful explanation of Ramadan and Islam.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

That Pain In My Heart

Sometimes We Cry.. When We Are Hopeless..
Sometimes We Cry.. When We Are Sad..
Sometimes We Cry.. When We Are In Pain..
Sometimes We Cry.. When We Are Helpless..
Sometimes We Cry.. For A Whole Different Reasons.....!!

You Are Aware Of How Strong You Are Until The Moment You Break Down.. I Assure You It's Ok..
It's Ok To Be Down After You've Been Up..! You Are Just As Strong As you Are Even When Breaking Through.. It's just When You Break Down, You Just Needed That Moment Of Weakness To Lay Down That Heavy Weight You Carried Along The Way..!

That Pain In The Heart You feel After Crying Or Breaking Down..Is Making You Heart Stronger Each Time ( Or As I Believe It Does..!) It's Just After That Weakness Moment And Hopeless Painful Break-down.. You Start To Rebuild Your Steps For Getting Up Again..!

So We May Have Different Reasons To Break-Down.. But We All Have One Guaranteed Step After : "Is That WE Will Rise Up Again...! "

Ps:( Always Be That Sun.. That Shine After Long Dark Cold Night..! )

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Can i Change?

Have You Ever Heard The Phrase : " It's Me I Didn't Change..!".. Well To Be Honest I Don't Believe In That.. Every Day Is A Challenge To Us.. Every Day We Learn New Things.. We Experience Stuff.. We Feel Differently From The Day Before.. Every Day Is A New Me..!

Let's Take An Empty Space And Build A House As An Example.. And Every Day Take A Picture Of The Building Progress.. You Will See Changes Takes You From The Scratch To The Very End.. Where The Beginning Differs From The Ending..! Or Let's Say You Had A Cut In Your Hand Today.. Then You Are The Same You But With A Cut In Your Hand.. So It's A New You..

So How About A Human Being.. A Person Who Face Changes Within Not A Day Or Hours Or Minutes But Within Seconds..! Within Seconds You Gain Or Lose.. You Live Or Die.. You Laugh Or Cry.. Within Seconds You Change A Little Bit Than What You Were Before.. You Become Or May Become Wiser Or More Stupid Who Knows.. What I Do Know Is Who I Was Before Is Not Me Anymore..!

Yes It's Still Me.. The Old Me.. But Improved One Or Unimproved And That Depends On You..! Yeah I'm Sure If You Go 6 Years Ago.. I Will Be That Naive Little Girl Who Thinks The World Is So Easy ToLive In.. And Now I'm A Young Woman.. Who Is Struggling To Fit In..

The Old Me Is Part Of Me.. But Is Not The Whole Me Today.. The Whole Me Is Part Of Who I Will Become.. But It's Not All Who Will I Become.. So Between Now And Then We Don't Change Only By How We Look.. We Change A Lot More In How We Think.. And What We Belive In.. And What We Experience.. Which Influence Our Personalities And Attitudes.. And This Process Go On..
So Don't Say " It's Still Me I Didn't Change A Bit.." Cuz You Might Be Talking To Someone Who Think The Same Way As I Do.. And You May Disagree.. But That's How I Think So I Hope You Respect My Thoughts So I Can Respect Yours.. :D

P.s: ( Yes I Used to Be Someone.. And Now I'm Someone Different.. And I Don't Know Who Will I Be In My Future.. Only Depends On How I Face Life.. And On My Choices..! )

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My Dear friend was in this car

My dearest friend died on the road accident photo above.I came from aboard he even came to my home to give sweet because he passed his exam and now he is not even in this world.

He and his father died on the spot may Allah bless his soul and have mercy on him and his father and all our dear ones and grant them jannat-al-ferdous ameen!

here is the original arabtimes aritcle link

Thursday, July 7, 2011

That special someone

I am into too much depression i don't know this thing is killing me inside i tend to wake up from sleep and open my laptop to see for some answers desperately.

Soft is her voice when she calls,
On her path, heaven's eye falls,
In love with the sweetness of gold,
I fall helpless to believe what she told,

Her face I see in my desolate dreams,
And yet she disregards my existence it seems,
That even when sparrows sing for trees,
Their magic can never beat her wondrous breeze,

What can I ever call her kind?
Such a treasure takes a life time to find,
Perhaps as beauty names the buds of may,
I sit to rhyme her name today

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Fight for Kisses

I just fell in love with that baby i dint know baby could go this far to get love of their mom LOL

Ok now i am going to shut my big mouth you just hit the play button :)

True Love

Love people blindly, and they will become your greatest weakness.
Love ALLAH unconditionally, and ALLAH will be your invincible strength..

"But those who believe, love ALLAH more (than anything else)."[Al Qur'an 02:165].

Money cant buy us hereafter

Why is it...that the thing we may not get we crave for it even more.

SuhanAllah the worldly things are temporary why we are running behind money,status and fame etc

For instance lets take the example of prophet Mohammad pbuh he lived his life in very harsh condition if money could take us anywhere then he himself Mohammad pbuh would go after money but he dint and done the contrary

I am not saying to cut all the ties with duniya and isolate your self form this world by going to a cave in some mountains subhanAllah one hadith comes to my mind regarding this.

Narrated Anas bin Malik: A group of three men came to the houses of the wives of the Prophet asking how the Prophet worshipped (Allah), and when they were informed about that, they considered their worship insufficient and said, "Where are we from the Prophet as his past and future sins have been forgiven." Then one of them said, "I will offer the prayer throughout the night forever." The other said, "I will fast throughout the year and will not break my fast." The third said, "I will keep away from the women and will not marry forever." Allah's Apostle came to them and said, "Are you the same people who said so-and-so? By Allah, I am more submissive to Allah and more afraid of Him than you; yet I fast and break my fast, I do sleep and I also marry women. So he who does not follow my tradition in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers)."

We have to take the middle way the 90 degree way which will inshAllah lead us to the jannat

And Allah knows best

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The most valuable thing in the world

The world and all things in it are valuable; but the most valuable thing in the world is a virtuous women.

Try to be virtuous first before you search for a virtuous woman as fruits can never appear before flowers bloom. To find a woman like Khadija (RA), you must be a man like Prophet Mohammed (SAWS). Instilling virtue in a human soul is different from fattening chickens or fish farming. For virtue there is neither a scientific prescription nor seeds that can be bought from the market. Virtue is a light, and human souls cannot be lightened without directing to the main source of brightness – to Allah (SWT) (God), for He is the Granter of every virtue.
Dr. Mustapha Mahmood
Translated by: Tommy Romano
Edited by: Amany Elmorshidy

Good and evil seeds

We each have a seed of good and a seed of evil in us. Just two seeds for starters! Then we choose which seed to grow, nourish and flourish. We choose! Our choice then marks our fate and decides the title of our book; success or failure! Nermeen Hussein

Stairway to reach Allah’s mercy

Sufferance is the stairway to reach Allah’s mercy, and supplication is the key to His acceptance. Dr. Mustapha Mahmoud Translated by: Wesam A. Elsayed

10 Tips on How to Be a Successful Husband :)

Its is bit long but worth reading

Prophet Muhammad (صلي الله عليه وسلم) said, “the best amongst you are the ones who are best to their wives.” So dear Muslim brother! Your obligations towards your wife are not limited to earning money and supporting her financially. A wife needs love from her husband, and emotional support too!

10 Tips on How to Be a Successful Husband
Note: Additions in brackets are notes from a sister.

Prepared by Muhammad Alshareef, reprinted from

1) Dress Up
Dress up for your wife, look clean and smell good. When was the last time us men went shopping for designer pajamas? Just like the husband wants his wife to look nice for him, she also wants her husband to dress up for her too. Remember that Rasulullah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) would always start with Miswak when returning home and always loved the sweetest smells.

(Dress up for your wife when you are at home also. Some brothers only dress up when they go out and that is not a good practice. A husband should dress up for his wife when they are at home. it makes a wife feel special.)

2) Sweet Names
Use the cutest names for your wife. Rasulullah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) had nicknames for his wives, ones that they loved. Call your wife by the most beloved names to her, and avoid using names that hurt their feelings.

(Remember, you are your wife’s only boyfriend, and her only best friend. She does not go out seeking boyfriends and she shares a halal relationship with you. Love her unconditionally for the sake of Allah. And express your love to her. A woman likes to be told that she is loved. Call her from your work to make sure she is doing fine. I have seen my dad calling my mother several times a day, just to make sure she has been eating well. And my husband calls me at least twice from work to make sure I am doing well. These things are very important in a relationship.)

3) Reward Her Actions
Don’t treat her like a fly. We never think about a fly in our daily lives until it ‘bugs’ us. Similarly, a wife will do well all day – which brings no attention from the husband – until she does something to ‘bug’ him. Don’t treat her like this; recognize all the good that she does and focus on that.

(Whenever there is a fight or argument, just remember all the things she does for you. she cooks for you, she takes care of your home, she takes care of your children and the most important thing is that she guards her modesty. So do not upset her if she is upset with you. Hold her and tell her that you love her. Only your love can repel her anger. Communicate with her and discuss with her if there are any misunderstandings.)

4) Remain Silent
If you see wrong from your wife, try being silent and do not comment! This is one of the ways Rasulullah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) used when he would see something inappropriate from his wives (رضالله عنهنّ). It’s a technique that few Muslim men have mastered.

(Do not criticize her all the time. Trust her and trust her decisions. If she is doing something that you don’t like, or that goes against the teachings of Islam, then do advice her gently.)

5) Smile!
Smile at your wife whenever you see her and embrace her often. Smiling is Sadaqah and your wife is not exempt from the Muslim Ummah. Imagine life with her constantly seeing you smiling. Remember also those Ahadith when Rasulullah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) would kiss his wife before leaving for Salah, even if he was fasting.

(Do let your wife know that you are very happy and blessed to have her. A wife always wonder how her husband feels about her. She may have some insecurity about you, so make her feel secure. Always give her a hug whenever you come back from work. appreciate her and thank her for taking care of everything whole day. If you are not too tired, go out for star gazing for an hour or so.)

6) Acknowledge Her
Thank her for all that she does for you. Then thank her again! Take for example a dinner at your house. She makes the food, cleans the home, and a dozen other tasks to prepare. And sometimes the only acknowledgment she receives is that there needed to be more salt in the soup. Don’t let that be; thank her!

(Write thank you notes for her and place those notes in her books, her purse, her socks, and anything else that belongs to her. You can use your own creativity to thank her. You can thank her by writing something on a mirror with her lipstick, so that she can read it when she wakes up in the morning. You can also thank her by arranging a candlelight dinner AT HOME, you be the cook and let her rest. So far I have learned that a nice romantic dinner at home is much better than going out for dinner. This way a couple saves themselves from many fitnahs. You can thank her by writing her letters and emails. Remember, in Islam, everyday is special. So celebrate wife’s day with her, and do it very often without having a particular date. She will always wonder when the wife’s day is going to be.

You can also give her a certificate of appreciation, or a Best Wife Award on wife’s day. Do everything by yourself that day and let her rest, this way you will also know how difficult it could be to do household chores. Thank her by building a webpage for her, write a note there and a poem and then ask her to visit your webpage. Thank her by recording a voice message on a cd for your wife. She will love it!

Thank her by giving her a gift, and a gift does not have to be expensive. Be creative! You do not have to give her Roses, you can give her a leaf too! (My husband gave me a leaf once, instead of roses, and I was very happy and surprised, and I appreciated his creativity). So remember, thoughtful and creative gifts makes a wife feel secure and happy. Thank her by ordering a halal pizza for her, ask the restaurant to cut it in a heart shape and have it delivered with a personalized note. Thank her by thanking her in a family gathering. A woman likes it when her husband gives her attention.

If you visit her parents or your parents, hold her hands and tell your parents how happy you are after marriage. Give your wife an Islamic book as a gift after praying Tahajjud. Use your imagination and think about unique gifts. Remember, she does not need a diamond, she needs your sincerity and your heart, so always give her the gifts that are thoughtful. Whenever you do something to make her happy, observe her facial expressions and ask yourself about how you feel when you become her happiness.)

7) Ten Blessings From Allah
Ask her to write down the last ten things you did for her that made her happy. Then go and do them again. It may be hard to recognize what gives your wife pleasure. You don’t have to play a guessing game–ask her and work on repeating those things in your life.

(Also ask her to write down the things you did that she did not like, or the things you did that made her unhappy. Try to not do those things in future. If she falls ill, let her lay down, and read different surahs from Qur’an while placing your hand on her forehead. When I got sick, my husband recited Qur’an for me, it really helped a lot mashaAllah. Remember, a wife needs her husband the most when she is not feeling well. Take good care of her because a healthy wife makes a healthy family. Do not expect too much from her when she is sick.)

Validate her Feelings
Don’t belittle her desires. Comfort her. Sometimes the men may look down upon the requests of their wives. Rasulullah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) set the example for us in an incident when Safiyyah (رضالله عنها) was crying because, as she said, he had put her on a slow camel. He wiped her tears, comforted her, and brought her the camel.

(If there is a time of sadness, give her your shoulder to cry on. Hold her and tell her that everything will be fine. Alhamdulillah, my husband and my dad are amongst those Muslim husbands who would even have tears in their eyes if their wives are sad. Remember, a woman does not like to cry alone in a corner. She needs someone to hold her when she is sad, so never let her feel lonely. Remind her the verses from Qur’an that talks about Patience and Piety.)

9) Have Fun!
Be humorous and play games with your wife. Look at how Rasulullah (صلي الله عليه وسلم) would race his wife Aisha (رضالله عنها) in the desert. When was the last time we did something like that?

(A sense of humor plays a very important role in a marital relationship. Most women wish to have a husband who has a good sense of humor. Tell her decent and modest jokes that make her happy. A wife appreciates it very much if her husband makes her smile. You can play various games at home. Play with crayons, or have a pillow fight. Or hide different notes in your bedroom and ask her to find it. Think of different games you can both play. Let her win sometimes!

Adopt interesting hobbies, such as reading, cooking together and gardening (grow a surprise rose plant in your garden, when you have the first rose blooming, take her to the garden and show it to her. Newspaper and Sports Issue! Men like to watch sports, or read newspaper. Most Pakistani wives consider newspaper as their co-wives. So be very careful. If you are watching sports, turn the TV off if your wife comes around. Give her attention. Do not spend too much time reading newspaper, and do not read newspaper on the breakfast table, rather have an Islamic discussion. If you want to get her to like newspaper, then try to find something that interests her. Such as, try to find a news about Hijab. Or try to find a news about Muslim women for her.)

10) Be The Best
Always remember the words of Allah’s Messenger (صلي الله عليه وسلم): “The best of you are those who treat their families the best. And I am the best amongst you to my family.” Try to be the best! In conclusion: Never forget to make Dua to Allah (سبحانه وتعالى) to make your marriage successful. And Allah ta’ala knows best!

(And once again: your wife is your best friend, and your girlfriend. Share everything with her. Remember she is your garment and you are her garment, so hide her faults and mistakes. Learn to forgive her. Also communicate a lot with her family. It really makes a difference if husband communicates with his in laws. It helps both husband’s and wife’s family to share a beautiful relationship. Respect her parents and show your love to her family. This will inspire her to love and respect your family. If her family is not muslim, do dawah to them in a beautiful way.)

Spend lots of time praying to Allah swt. Do fast often even if it is not Ramadan. Fasting brings patience and taqwah. Lead her in the prayer. There is nothing better than praying together. Remember Allah, so that Allah remembers you.

May Allah bless us and guide us all. Ameen!

Alshareef, Muhammad. “[10 Tips] How to Be a Successful Husband.” IslamWay. 24 Apr. 2007 .

My Sister El Kawthar posted this first at:

Sunday, July 3, 2011

The Keys to Marital Life

It is cordiality and mercy which are the keys of marital life.
Mercy necessarily contains love, but love does not have mercy. Love may turn, with lust, to be aggression.
Mercy is more profound, purer and clearer than love. It is a sublime and compound human sense as it includes love, sacrifice, tolerance, compassion, forgiveness and generosity. We all, due to human nature, are able to love; however, only very few people can have true mercy.
Dr. Mustapha Mahmoud
Translated by: Amany Elmorshidy

Deeds without sincerity

“Deeds without sincerity are like adding dirt to water then carrying it. It weighs it down and does not benefit the carrier!”
Imaam Ibn-ul-Qayyim

The wonderful married couples

How wonderful when married couples are both writers, scholars, generous, or courageous! That is for if a casual adversity or despicable whispers befall one of them, the other hurries to take his/her hand and get him/her back to the right way.
Shaikh Mohammad el-Ghazaly
Translated by: Amany Elmorshidy

“Impure women are for impure men and impure men are for impure women. Pure women are for pure men and pure men are for pure women.” (Quran, 24:26)

“Marry those among you who are single and the righteous ones among yourselves, male or female.” (Quran, 24:32)

Hoping for Forgiveness

Beware of hoping for forgiveness without working for it. Such hopes have deceived some people until they departed from the world bankrupt, and beware of these hopes, they are the valleys of the bankrupt.
Hasan al Basri

Help from Allah

Sometimes in life we are stuck and we have no where to go the one we expected much would turn their faces in the time of need this applies to some family members too.

But subhanAllah from nowhere Allah will sent someone and they will help you.

Did it happened with you? if yes we would like to listen to your experience



Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Man Named Rashed

Hi Guys, I came across this true story and its really heart touching thought of sharing with you guys.. Subhan Allah !! Allah can do anything, He can melt the stone and make impossible possible.

A Man Named Rashed

This is a true story about a man named Rashed. He tells his story as follows…

I was not more than thirty years old when my wife gave birth to my first child. I still remember that night.

I had stayed out all night long with my friends, as was my habit. It was a night filled with useless talk, and worse, with backbiting, gossiping, and making fun of people. I was mostly the one who made people laugh; I would mock others and my friends would laugh and laugh. I remember on that night that I’d made them laugh a lot. I had an amazing ability to imitate others – I could change the sound of my voice until I sounded exactly like the person I was mocking. No one was safe from my biting mockery, even my friends; some people started avoiding me just to be safe from my tongue. I remember on that night, I had made fun of a blind man who I’d seen begging in the market. What was worse, I had put my foot out in front him – he tripped and fell, and started turning his head around, not knowing what to say.

I went back to my house, late as usual, and I found my wife waiting for me. She was in a terrible state, and said in a quivering voice, “Rashed… where were you?”

“Where would I be, on Mars?” I said sarcastically, “With my friends of course.”

She was visibly exhausted, and holding back tears, she said, “Rashed, I’m so tired. It seems the baby is going to come soon.” A silent tear fell on her cheek.

I felt that I had neglected my wife. I should have taken care of her and not stayed out so much all those nights… especially since she was in her ninth month. I quickly took her to the hospital; she went into the delivery room, and suffered through long hours of pain.

I waited patiently for her to give birth… but her delivery was difficult, and I waited a long time until I got tired. So I went home and left my phone number with the hospital so they could call with the good news. An hour later, they called me to congratulate me on the birth of Salem. I went to the hospital immediately. As soon as they saw me, they asked me to go see the doctor who had overlooked my wife’s delivery.

“What doctor?” I cried out, “I just want to see my son Salem!”

“First go see the doctor,” they said.

I went to the doctor, and she started talking to me about trials, and about being satisfied with Allah’s decree. Then she said, “Your son has a serious deformity in his eyes, and it seems that he has no vision.” I lowered my head while I fought back tears… I remembered that blind man begging in the market who I’d tripped and made others laugh at.

Subhan Allah, you get what you give! I stayed brooding quietly for a while… I didn’t know what to say. Then I remembered by wife and son. I thanked the doctor for her kindness, and went to go see my wife. My wife wasn’t sad. She believed in the decree of Allah… she was content… How often had she advised me to stop mocking people! “Don’t backbite people,” she always used to repeat… We left the hospital, and Salem came with us.

In reality, I didn’t pay much attention to him. I pretended that he wasn’t in the house with us. When he started crying loudly, I’d escape to the living room to sleep there. My wife took good care of him, and loved him a lot. As for myself, I didn’t hate him, but I couldn’t love him either.

Salem grew. He started to crawl, and had a strange way of crawling. When he was almost one year old, he started trying to walk, and we discovered that he was crippled. I felt like he was an even greater burden on me. After him, my wife gave birth to Umar and Khaled. The years passed, and Salem grew, and his brothers grew. I never liked to sit at home, I was always out with my friends… in reality, I was like a plaything at their disposal [entertaining them whenever they wanted].

My wife never gave up on my reform. She always made du’aa for my guidance. She never got angry with my reckless behavior, but she would get really sad if she saw me neglecting Salem and paying attention to the rest of his brothers. Salem grew, and my worries grew with him. I didn’t mind when my wife asked to enroll him in a special school for the handicapped.

I didn’t really feel the passing of the years. My days were all the same. Work and sleep and food and staying out with friends. One Friday, I woke up at 11 am. This was early for me. I was invited to a gathering, so I got dressed and perfumed, and was about to go out. I passed by our living room, and was startled by the sight of Salem – he was sobbing! This was the first time I had noticed Salem crying since he was a baby. Ten years had passed, and I hadn’t paid attention to him. I tried to ignore him now, but I couldn’t take it… I heard him calling out to his mother while I was in the room. I turned towards him, and went closer. “Salem! Why are you crying?” I asked.

When he heard my voice, he stopped crying. Then when he realized how close I was, he started feeling around him with his small hands. What was wrong with him? I discovered that he was trying to move away from me! It was as if he was saying, “Now, you’ve decided to notice me? Where have you been for the last ten years?” I followed him… he had gone into his room. At first, he refused to tell me why he’d been crying. I tried to be gentle with him… Salem started to tell me why he’d been crying, while I listened and trembled.

Do you know what the reason was?! His brother Umar, the one who used to take him to the masjid, was late. And because it was Jumu’ah prayer, Salem was afraid he wouldn’t find a place in the first row. He called out to Umar… and he called out to his mother… but nobody answered, so he cried. I sat there looking at the tears flowing from his blind eyes. I couldn’t bear the rest of his words. I put my hand over his mouth and said, “Is this why you were crying, Salem!”

“Yes,” he said.

I forgot about my friends, I forgot about the gathering, and I said, “Don’t be sad, Salem. Do you know who’s going to take you to the masjid today?”

“Umar, of course,” he said, “… but he’s always late.”

“No,” I said, “I’m going to take you.”

Salem was shocked… he couldn’t believe it. He thought I was mocking him. His tears came and he started crying. I wiped his tears with my hand and then took hold of his hand. I wanted to take him to the masjid by car. He refused and said, “The masjid is near… I want to walk there.” Yes, by Allah, he said this to me.

I couldn’t remember when the last time I had entered the masjid was, but it was the first time I felt fear and regret for what I’d neglected in the long years that had passed. The masjid was filled with worshippers, but I still found a place for Salem in the first row. We listened to the Jumu’ah khutbah together, and he prayed next to me. But really, I was the one praying next to him.

After the prayer, Salem asked me for a musHaf. I was surprised! How was he going to read when he was blind? I almost ignored his request, but I decided to humor him out of fear of hurting his feelings. I passed him a musHaf. He asked me to open the musHaf to Surat al-Kahf. I started flipping through the pages and looking through the index until I found it. He took the musHaf from me, put it in front of him, and started reading the Surah… with his eyes closed… ya Allah! He had the whole Surah memorized.

I was ashamed of myself. I picked up a musHaf… I felt my limbs tremble… I read and I read. I asked Allah to forgive me and to guide me. I couldn’t take it… I started crying like a child. There were still some people in the masjid praying sunnah… I was embarrassed by their presence, so I tried to hold my tears. My crying turned into whimpering and long, sobbing breaths. The only thing I felt was a small hand reaching out to my face, and then wiping the tears away. It was Salem! I pulled him to my chest… I looked at him. I said to myself… you’re not the blind one, but I am, for having drifted after immoral people who were pulling me to hellfire. We went back home. My wife was extremely worried about Salem, but her worry turned into tears [of joy] when she found out I had prayed Jumu’ah with Salem.

From that day on, I never missed the congregational prayer in the masjid. I left my bad friends… and I made righteous friends among people I met at the masjid. I tasted the sweetness of iman with them. I learned things from them that distracted me from this world. I never missed out on gatherings of remembrance [halaqas], or on the witr prayer. I recited the entire Qur’an, several times, in one month. I moistened my tongue with the remembrance of Allah, that He might forgive my backbiting and mocking of the people. I felt closer to my family. The looks of fear and pity that had occupied my wife’s eyes disappeared. A smile now never parted from the face of my son Salem. Anyone who saw him would have felt that he owned the world and everything in it. I praised and thanked Allah a lot for His blessings.

One day, my righteous friends decided to go to a far away location for da’wah. I hesitated about going. I prayed istikharah, and consulted with my wife. I thought she would refuse… but the opposite happened! She was extremely happy, and even encouraged me… because in the past, she had seen me traveling without consulting her, for the purpose of sin and evil. I went to Salem, and told him I would be traveling. With tears, he wrapped me up in his small arms…

I was away from home for three and a half months. In that period, whenever I got a chance, I called my wife and talked to my children. I missed them so much… and oh, how I missed Salem! I wanted to hear his voice… he was the only one who hadn’t talked to me since I’d traveled. He was either at school or at the masjid whenever I called them.

Whenever I would tell my wife how much I missed him, she would laugh happily, joyfully, except for the last time I called her. I didn’t hear her expected laugh. Her voice changed. I said to her, “Give my salam to Salem,” and she said, “Insha’Allah,” and was quiet.

At last, I went back home. I knocked on the door. I hoped that it was Salem who would open up for me, but was surprised to find my son Khaled, who was not more than four years old. I picked him up in my arms while he squealed, “Baba! Baba!” I don’t know why my heart tensed when I entered the house.

I sought refuge in Allah from the accursed shaytan… I approached my wife… her face was different. As if she was pretending to be happy. I inspected her closely then said, “What’s wrong with you?” “Nothing,” she said. Suddenly, I remembered Salem. “Where’s Salem?” I asked. She lowered her head. She didn’t answer. Hot tears fell on her cheeks.

“Salem! Where’s Salem?” I cried out.

At that moment, I only heard the sound of my son Khaled talking in his own way, saying, “Baba… Thalem went to pawadise… with Allah…”

My wife couldn’t take it. She broke down crying. She almost fell to the floor, and left the room. Later, I found out that Salem had contracted a fever two weeks before I’d returned, so my wife took him to the hospital… the fever got more and more severe, and didn’t leave him… until his soul left his body…

And if this earth closes in on you in spite of its vastness, and your soul closes is on you because of what it’s carrying… call out, “Oh Allah!” If solutions run out, and paths are constricted, and ropes are cut off, and your hopes are no more… call out, “Oh Allah.” Allah wished to guide Salem’s father on the hands of Salem, before Salem’s death. How merciful is Allah!